Company 9

Phone +380989835513, +380963216265
Manufacturing Machine-building industry and metal-working Industry
Summary The best traditions of table silver factory are realized in “ROYAL” AND “CLASSIC” collections let out by our enterprise. The history of their manufacture originates in the beginning of the nineteenth century. That was the time when the first jeweler factories have been based in Warsaw. The most famous of them was the factory of Josef Frazhe and king Philip Malch. That was the place where “melkhiorovy and silvered products” have been created for the first time. Thanks to refined proportions and original decor which emphasizes accurately noble silhouette of tableware, these products quickly won popularity at nobleman’s circle. Founded in 1870 by German industrialist Klassen Engineering plant of Volnyansk has carefully kept and continues successfully to develop the manufacturer Frazhe traditions. During more than 140 years our enterprise steadily goes in serial production and sale of silvered tableware. Under the trade mark of “SRIBNA POLYANA” we make tableware of Neusilber (alloy of copper, nickel, zinc) and cover it with test silver 999,9 which is natural antiseptics, very powerful and safe for human body. Today we have already new models which are partially gilded. Besides we make souvenir products. For example such as coasters or glass holders.
Kind regards, Igor Golyakov.
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